America at election time


In 2008, I set out to explore how political engagement was showing up in the American landscape. 

My curiosity was fueled by one of the most energized presidential elections in generations. Traversing across 23 states I aim to find imagery to respond to my questions:

  • Does the energy of the campaign show up in the landscape the same way it does in our newspapers, televisions, and social media? 

  • What does that reveal about the American identity, my own identity?

Subsequent trips through dozens of states during the days leading up to the 2012 and 2016 elections illustrate a shift in time and perspective against the backdrop of America and a reflection of the American identity.

Approaching the 2020 election, another trip is under way. Follow daily posts here


The Middle Road Project initially began photographing places along I-80, an interstate freeway that divides the United States into two parts. However, subsequent journeys have taken a detour off of that road in order to offer deeper reflection into the identity of all of America. So far, 23 states have been traversed, with more places to visit in 2020.

All images are shot using film and will eventually make it into a book format.